Tuesday, April 28, 2009

hey guys...

nothing too much going on... being blessed, basically.  Last week was a beautiful blend of God's grace and intense struggling.  

-God explicitly revealed the extent to which he has plans for me personally through an article about Josh Hamilton.  

-I am admitting to myself (perhaps for the first time) that I do have a problem with food... binge eating isn't overly glamerous but knowledge is power and I am really hopeful that giving denial the kiss of death will be helpful in overcoming this stupidness.

-God has provided in other ways too- successes at work,  in our dealings with each other (one of the most powerful of the week, actually), clarification on future plans...

I'm full.  I want to go shout from the mountain tops.  I'm optimistic.  I'm encouraged.  I'm (gasp!) learning how to surrender?  Most of all, I'm overwhelmed with God's love.

Thank you Father... I acknowledge that these things have come from you and I honor you.

God willing, we'll be doing some traveling the next few weeks.

Hope everyone has a good week,


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