Friday, March 20, 2009

this is basically monumental...

So, I finally turn 28 this weekend... its pretty exciting considering I've spent a good portion of the last year thinking I was already 28.  So readership of 4, what were you doing at age 28?  It's really strange you know... time races by and yet the time from this birthday to the last seems to have gone by quite slow.

In lesser news, it looks like Kate and I will be taking our first cruise before I deploy in late June-early July.



Monday, March 16, 2009

We survived!

skiing... our first time- more on that in a moment.

A few weeks ago we went to the Nazi Documentation Center in Nuremberg.  Nuremberg played a significant role in the Nazi movement and the unfinished Congress Hall (meant to host the annual party gatherings) is the largest surviving example of Nazi architecture today.  It is part of a larger complex of structures, several of which were never completed due to funds being shifted to the war effort.  One of those was to be a 400,000 capacity sports stadium (intended to be the biggest in the world) which was never really started... they got as far as digging a foundation and today it serves as a lake surrounded by a park.  On the other side of a lake is Zeepelin Field, site of the Nazi's biggest rallies, including those filmed by Leni Riefenstahl in the propaganda classic Triumph of the Will.  You can go down to the same place in which Hitler gave speeches to the masses (250,000 people).  The museum, housed in a wing of the Congress Hall, focuses entirely on the National Socialists Party and Nuremberg's role in its ascent.  One thing that I remember two weeks later were internal memos from the Gestapo estimating that only 2 out of 1,000 people opposed Hitler.  Amazing. Overall, a fascinating day... good to get out of the house... and hang out with Kate.

So, skiing with the chapel this weekend in Garmisch.  Yea, harder than it looks.  Bunny hills all day... Here are some pictures.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shadow or turning..."    James 1:17

Be blessed,


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New month, new post...

Its March already, huh?  Its good though- above all, March means that the end to cold weather is within sight... while the incessant grayness that fills the sky will continue, it gives me something to look forward to down the road.

So, what have Kate I been up to you ask?  We got a second car a few weeks ago- a maroon 94 Ford Escort- actually, I have left the lights on twice in a row, necessitating a jump both times after work.  Hmm, Kate accidentally cut her hair a few days ago- that was interesting. Otherwise, we really haven't done too much because of school... but that has been a huge blessing in itself.  God has really been showing me His faithfulness through work/school and I'm learning that stuff will be OK.  We'll probably go somewhere this weekend to get out of the house, though.

Otherwise, thought I would list some books I'm interested in (not in order of interest).

Slouching Toward Gomorrah:  Modern Liberalism & American decline by Robert H. Bork
Postwar by Tony Judt
In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
Problem of Pain by C. S. Lewis
Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky
Diary of Anne Frank
Economic Facts & Fallacies by Thomas Sowell
Lust for Life by Irving Stone 
Best of Europe 2009 by Rick Steeves
Europe through the Back Door  by Rick Steeves
Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Have you read any interesting books lately you might recommend?  

What about music?  We have some ITunes cards and I'm always interested in something new.

Until next month,  
