Tuesday, April 28, 2009

hey guys...

nothing too much going on... being blessed, basically.  Last week was a beautiful blend of God's grace and intense struggling.  

-God explicitly revealed the extent to which he has plans for me personally through an article about Josh Hamilton.  

-I am admitting to myself (perhaps for the first time) that I do have a problem with food... binge eating isn't overly glamerous but knowledge is power and I am really hopeful that giving denial the kiss of death will be helpful in overcoming this stupidness.

-God has provided in other ways too- successes at work,  in our dealings with each other (one of the most powerful of the week, actually), clarification on future plans...

I'm full.  I want to go shout from the mountain tops.  I'm optimistic.  I'm encouraged.  I'm (gasp!) learning how to surrender?  Most of all, I'm overwhelmed with God's love.

Thank you Father... I acknowledge that these things have come from you and I honor you.

God willing, we'll be doing some traveling the next few weeks.

Hope everyone has a good week,


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

anniversary weekend

Basically awesome.  Kate and I enjoyed hanging out.  Concert was more awesome than not.  The "modest" hunting grounds of Nyphenberg Palace was relaxing which = de-facto awesomeness... weather was perfect.

Kate and I on the train towards Munich.

Adam from Taking Back Sunday

Lead singer and Tim from Underoath

more Underoath...

view looking out from Nyphenberg Palace.

...and the view looking back.

a bit (*a lot) distorted, but Emery performing "Walls"

we just visited the castle in Lichtenau earlier... pictures (and a historical video?) on Kate's blog here.

be blessed,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

basking in the goodness...

Have you guys heard Kim Walker's "How He Loves Us?"  Man, amazing song- 

He is our portion, we are his prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes
If grace is just a notion, we are sinking...
Heaven meets earth with a sloppy wet kiss
and My heart turns violently in my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
when I think about the wayyyyyy
He loves us.. oh, how He loves us... oh how, He loves us...

I've heard it a thousand times- keep your focus on Jesus (which is followed by the standard story of Peter walking on the water).  Wow, is humanity horrible at this or what?... you see this lack of focus in the lives of Christians too and lives are negatively impacted.  I've always intellectually accepted "focusing on Jesus" but on a certain level, I dismissed the notion in my heart as "church speak."  Just like the lyrics say, though... I don't have time to maintain regrets (or a whole litany of other problems and addictions) when I think about the way He loves us.  It is truly overwhelming yet perfectly satisfying.  Pursue it.

"...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." 
Matthew 22:37

Otherwise, 1 year anniversary this weekend- we are going to Munich.

I've been insanely excited about Texas Rangers baseball for some reason (MLB just started, ladies).  I had grown weary of baseball in recent years but it has a newfound excitement.  GO RANGERS!!!!

be blessed,


Sunday, April 5, 2009

mm-mmm-ugh-mm (clearing my throat)


ROCKY TOP TENN-EEE-SSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (you provided victory, Kate is history)   EEEEE.... YEE-HAW!

Monopoly and country music last night-

Be blessed,
