Thursday, January 22, 2009

my heart is full

A few months ago, the chapel announced a new couples Bible Study... I immediately felt God pushing us to go (and ask Kate, immediate anything isn't exactly common).  The study started last week and sadly, I was scheming how I could lie to Kate about not going.  Sadly, I was thinking about how I could sound shocked about forgetting... perfectly aware that I was choosing selfishness over God.  Silly humans, when will we learn?  So, tonight I went, representing Kate and I... and it was amazing.  The study was God's you know?  It was honoring to Him, I think- studying to become more Christ-like in this wonderful institution called marriage.  My heart is full (which may give way to anxiousness considering the homework mounting)... and I suspect Kate's will be as well when we go together next week.  It's an awesome feeling when you feel your heart overflowing with God's goodness.  I think when we try to take the goodness and hold on to it, it becomes overwhelming... funny how when we appropriate it by simply thanking the One who gives it in the first place, it becomes manageable, it becomes something that flows through us.

I found out today that I will start supervising someone on Monday.  This means writing a decoration... an EPR (enlisted performance report).  I'm taking a business management class.  I used "manageable" in the last paragraph.  AHHH, its coming... yep, its coming.  It'll be good though.  I'm mostly excited.

So, inauguration... did you guys watch it?  I missed the speech but I'll catch it online soon.  Thoughts?  Wow, being president.  Man, republican/democrat aside, it really takes a special person to do that job.  Can you imagine the focus you must possess?  I can barely focus long enough to write a coherent blog much less focus all day, every day at such a high level.  Well, we should be praying for our new leadership definitely.  There is a lot of stuff out there to deal with.  God be with us.



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