Thursday, August 7, 2008


I'm nearing the end of my inductive Bible study class... which means I'm in a serious time crunch... which means I was doing some serious late night reading last night.  Just a few statements out of the book (Grasping God's Word) that kind of struck me:

"God made himself vulnerable to our unfaithfulness"- Ha, this seems so simple but what a unique and incredible position we are in.  It seems that we have so much trouble opening ourselves up to people... or once we get hurt, we're done.  Kind of lame, really.  It is just another way that God relates to us perfectly and shows us how to live by example...

"Comforting and explaining are quite different"

"Wisdom does not explain the contradictions of life; it only points them out.  Therefore people should simply trust God"- Interesting, no?

Otherwise, I'm kind of interested in reading Obama Nation, written by Jerome Corsi.  I think he is the guy that wrote a book about John Kerry and the swift boat craziness the last election which kind of makes me think, ehhh... but I heard it is well researched with lots of documentation and references.  Predictably, the reviews on Amazon were either 1 or 5 stars for the most part.  If any has read it, please let me know what you thought.

I kind of like watching people sleep... isn't it such a great gift from God?  When you don't sleep, are you not a miserable human being?  Yes, you are... and when that is the case, there is very little you want more than a good nights rest.  I LOVE to see Kate sleeping soundly.  Truly, it is a very beautiful thing, I think.  It truly is a beautiful gift from God.

Otherwise, if there is anything Kate and I can pray for you about, please let me know... I'm especially good at committing to a specific amount of time so that might be good to include (1 week, 3 weeks, 2 months, etc...)

A few concerns for myself...
1.  finishing this semester well
2. i'm actually going to be traveling a good amount this month
3. strength for Kate and I to be there for God and each other

be blessed,



Kate Noel said...

So THAT's why I've been dreaming that someone has been watching me sleep! ;)
I love you babe, with all my heart!

Stephanie said...

she's beautiful, i agree....especially when that drool starts running down her chin.......

I'm reading the shack....Kate said you read that.....VERY good book too!

Prayer: Definitely for Lady....she's showing signs of improving...she'll get up and walk occasionally by herself. But we're leaving for FL in 3 weeks, we need someone who can take care of her needs. My prayer is, if this is her time to go then please Lord just stop her heart....if not...then heal her so she can walk. She's not showing ANY signs of dying, so I do believe God is healing her. I think she tore her ACL, which she did before and God healed her just believing for that now as well. I appreciate your prayers. Too many changes for me and loss over the past year.....don't think losing Lady right now would be good at all. As I'm writing this...Lady got up again by herself and wanted to stand to eat and drink - believe me ...that's truly a miracle from God considering 1 week ago she wouldn't get up by herself at all. Please pray that we're able to get someone who can take care of her while we're gone (and that she doesn't die while we're gone either - that would really be hard on me) I was thinking about being a wedding crasher........ :-) you don't know how hard it is to know Kate will be so close yet so far away........